Saturday, December 23, 2006

More about the weather!

Now it may be cold in ENgland, but at least you can count on it being cold. I mean no one in England is thinking 'oh tommorrow it might be 30 degrees'! No, you are all going about your business secure in the knoweldge that, whilst it may not snow for Christmas, it will at least be cold.

Not so for us Melbournites! We can no more rely on the weather than we can on Micheal Fish's weather forecasts! Earlier this week we had soaring temoperatures- 35 plus and the hottest night ever recorded in December in Melbourne. It didn't drop below 26 degrees all night. (And boy did we know about it- NEVER have a 2 storey house in a hot country- HOT AIR RISES!). So, looking forwards to a hot Christmas, we planned a picnic with friends on Christmas day. But then what should happen? The temperature drops and the forecast is for the coldest Christmas day in 50 years in Melbourne. It is looking likely to reach 13 or 14 degrees only! So my friend and I are busy rearranging our picnic to an indoor type thing and even doing some hot food!

Add to this the fact that our friend Karl, who is a weather forecaster, says that in Mount Baw Baw, only 3 hours away, there is actually going to be snow on Christmas day!! Chris and I debated cancelling our Chritsmas lunch and going to Baw BAw just to see this, but have decided against it! Most of all because, ridiculously, the bush fires are still burning in some of the countryside close to the mountains! If the snow manages not to evaporate in the heat of the fire then it will be an awesome sight- snow falling right next to bushfire- doubt thats been seen before. Karl said that if the locals are lucky they may even see the snow go through the 3 stages, snow to rain and rain evaporating to water vapour! How bizzarre!

WHo knows what New Years will be like- probably scorching again!

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