Saturday, December 09, 2006

Huge Bonfire

I was awoken this morning at 6.30 by a strange smell- in my semi-concious state I wrote it off as Chris' wind problems and went back to slepp. However, when we eventually rose from our slumber this morning we were amazed to look out the winow and see nothing but thick haze and the strong smell of smoke.

There are bushfires burning across the north-east of Victoria. The nearest one is at least a 3 hour drive frmo us and yet we are sufering the fall out and, if the wind changes, we may even get covered in soot. This weekend, if the predictions come true, the fires will join inot one mega fire, the biggest fiers EVER in Victoria. The front will be over 100 kilometers long.

Currently it is like living close to a bonfire. Everything smells of smoke and we all smell of smoke. No one really knows how long this fire will last- even extra firefighters from New Zealand are struggling to contain it.

It's going to be a long, hot and smelly summer!

Love Helen***

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