Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas stuff

Although it is still 2 nights until Santa I am already in the festive mood this evening. I have spent the afternoon creating Christmas master pieces for our 'picnic' on Christmas day and we have also been to our Christmas concert at church and had a 'kind of' early Christmas dinner! (Since we are not having one Christmas day and are out all day tommorrow, we figured today would be a good day to do it!)

The Christmas carol concert was fantastic! They did it on a white Christmas theme and had cotton wool all over church as a kind of snow. The music was lots opf traditionakl carols spiced up and some more modern stuff too. There was a lovely Christmas feel to it and the true meaning of Christmas came over loud and clear too.

Jokes from our Christmas crackers (or bon bons as they are called here!):

WHy did the elf take his computer to the hospital? Because santa said it had a virus!
Which of Santas reindeer has bad manners? Rude-olph!

See- it doesn't matter what continent you are on- they don't get any better!

Have a look at Flicker if you want to see photos of our Christmas so far!

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