Thursday, November 23, 2006

All is not well....

I am not a happy camper.

I chatted today with a colleague of mine who, as it happens, has a monster truck too, and we decided as it was friday tomorrow, and we were both going to be in the office, to bring our little toys into work and have a buzz around the car park at lunch time.

So, with the need of preparedness, I ventured out this evening (and fine evening it was too) to finish up the process of tuning BB (Big Bertha - as helen seems to have christened it). All was well, I had got the fuel mixture just right and she was going hell for leather - I reckon about 65kph was reached, and then disaster.

You see, because I was tuning it up, I was running it without the body shell in place. Little did I know that whilst aesthetically pleasing, it also serves as protection for all the important parts - and in this case, the engine.

About 50 feet away, I pulled a tight turn, skidding on the gravel, and I completely underestimated the distance to a kerb, and whack, I hit it a full tilt, sending bertha a good 5 feet into the air, spinning like a chinese death star, and landing very heavily on the engine, that was running at about 25,ooo rpm. Hmmmm clever boy.

I ruefully made my way home, with my tail between my legs, and proceeded to strip the truck down. What a mess, the sheer force of the impact had bent the whole chassis, and part of the transmission too.

So as soon as this is posted, I am heading into my workshop to try and get her working again. I have my honour to protect here, I have to have at least a small chance of kicking my colleague's ass tomorrow!

Tearfully yours,


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