Friday, September 29, 2006

Helen's new baby

Hey hey is Friday!

What a week it's been too. I feel like I have been office bound - i made it into see my colleagues every day this week - some kind of record methinks.

Whilst doing all this, we've also bought a car.

Yes, you heard right, a car. We decided a while back it might be a good idea for Helen to get mobile, especially as her work can take her all over the place. So, with the help of my splendid bonus this year, we just in the last hour took delivery of Fred. (I have to give it a name for now, even if it is short-lived - we have a naming ceremony tomorrow)

So, it's blue and shiny and runs on petrol, not diesel. That's all Helen needs to know. He he ;o)

Otherwise, it's been an uneventful week, we're busy getting our act together for when my mum and bro come over in just 2 weeks time - they are going to have the time of their lives!

Ok, thats all folks, and we'll be sure to let you know of Fred's new name as soon as he's christened.

Have a super weekend


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