Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Crying Like a Baby!

Hi everyone,
Well, I am not ashamed to admit that I just spent the last hour blubbing like a baby at Steve Urwin's memorial service. It was truely touching- sad but not somber, celebrating a life well spent.

Funny thing is, I wasn't even a big Croc Hunter fan!! I remember making fun of a couple of friends who liked him in the early days and even laughing when I was asked to watch his film with friends on the Anastasis. Thing is though, he had such an infectious personality, and once I had watched a few bits and pieces I started to admire his passion and enthusaiam- just like millions of people across the world.

One of the film stars speaking at the memorial summed it up for me today. He said that Steve was a great and popular man because he was not ashamed to be who he really was and to let the world see it! Thing is, if Steve had been an ordinary man, not a TV personality, people would probably have thought he was insane, but yet he continued to be who he was made to be and I really admire that! I admire the fact that he let his true emotions; passion, enthusiasm, commitment and drive show through even when they brought him to the edge of tears or made him look like a mad man. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could all be like that? Doesn't that description also sound like Jesus? AND I definately want to be like Him!

Normally, I don't go in for all this idolising a man after his death- normally I get the feeling that the person is being remembered in a biased way. But with Steve Urwin I honestly think that he was a good man- as good infront of the camara as he was behind! I have been praying a lot for his children cause I feel deep compassion for them but today, as litle Bindy spoke to the crowds of poeple, I felt that she would be OK because her dad left her a real legacy, something that she can hang onto and develop further in her dad's memory.

So in the words ofthe croc hunter:
'Crikey mate- it's all over!'

Take care
Love Helen***

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