But as you all know, things have been pretty insane in the past 2 weeks since we got back from Perth. After another day of frenetic toing and froing from one house to another looking for our next home, we have finally found somewhere we like.
It's funny how things work out actually, purely because this particular house was viewed by us over a week ago. We liked it then, but we had reservations about the size - it was only 2 bedrooms, and the lounge seemed small.
For those who don't know, when we arrived in Australia, we bought en enormous sofa and two armchairs. As lovely as they are, they've become a bit of a pain because of their size. We have turned down at least half of the viewed properties because of lack of space.
Anyhow, early last week, this property was bugging me, so I managed to arrange another viewing, early on wednesday morning. Armed with my trusty measuring tape, I proceeded to measure up the lounge, dining room and master bedroom.
We have a lovely bit of software called Microsoft Visio, so having got to grips with how it works, I was able to draw up a plan :

And from this, we were able to say that yes we could move in to this house, but it would be a squeeze. I think we have been spoiled with this house we are in now.
So Just yesterday, having come away from several very disappointing viewings, we were both a bit disheartened. I suggested we drive up to the house that kept bugging me, and take one more look. AS it happened, the place was open for inspection again, and we took the opportunity for one last look.
Tomorrow morning I will be submitting an application to become the new tenants of this place. It is available immediately, so we could well be in by 25th feb. So, if you are of a religious or spiritual nature, please pray for us, that the agents will choose our application over anyone elses, and let's end this frustrating time!
Moving on to a much lighter note, we have just returned from the last four days of house sitting for a family in our church who have just got a new puppy. They had to go to Brisbane on business, so we had the priviledge of looking after their house (with a pool!) and their gorgeous little staffy-labrador cross called Rusty.
She was an absolute tyke, so full of energy, and had razor-sharp teeth to boot. Helen and I have come away with multiple injuries, but more importantly, in the few days we had with Rusty, taught her some life-long bad (or good) habits
- how to chew shoes and not fingers
- how to jump up onto the sofa
- how to not be afraid of the swimming pool
- that chewing holes in balls is good
I'm not sure we will ever be asked back! Anyhow, here she is....

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