Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Too bloomin hot!

Just as a short update to my previous post- it is too flippin hot!! Temperatures reached a hot and sticky 39 degrees today. The hottest day in November since the 50s or something stupid like that. I was working in a gym with no aircon and me and the kids were close to passing out at the end of the day!

How ridiculous to think that this time a week ago it was snowing!

It is now starting t o rain a little and get windy. It kind of feels like standing under a hair drier with someone flicking water at you! With any luck 'the change' will hit before bed time and it will be somewhat cooler!

suppose I should count my blessings that I'm not in the freezin cold uk!
LOve Helen***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come and stand by me! My nose is cold, my toes are cold....and yesterday was spent researching duvet 'togs' in order to upgrade to a warmer one! And I thought it was hot when I was in Melbourne!!