Tuesday, July 17, 2007

2 of us

Hello everyone, it's been a while again, sorry!

We're slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things after our fab holiday to Noosa at the start of the month, and winter is really biting here - Melbourne has really lived up to it's reputation of 'four seasons in one day' today. It started of a clear crisp morning, and by lunchtime we had had thunder and lightning, hail, sleet, glorious sunshine and then more rain! It's currently hovering around 6c, and will be dropping to zero overnight. We saw the funniest thing today on the news - kangeroos hopping through snow, in Ballarat, just north of the city.

Anyhow, as you may or may not know, helen has taken up a new hobby - scrap-booking! It seems to be taking up a fair amount of her spare time (what she has of it) and it's actually a very creative process, and is great to see all our memories on paper.

The book is slowly being filled with all the exciting things we have done here in Australia. However, her most recent project is especially good.

Let me explain. We have started a bit of a tradition in the last year or so, of me heading out early on saturday mornings, getting the paper and settling in for a long lie and with fresh croissants. One of the magazines that comes with the Melbourne Age on the weekend is called 'Good Weekend' and it has a regular weekly section called "2 of Us". The basic theme is that it is a story of two people's life, linked in someway, either by marriage, work colleagues, best friends or such like. The two people featured each week speak of their relationship, how they intertwine. It's always ery interesting to see a little snapshot of people's lives.

So, Helen has set about to create our own 2 of Us article, and I have to say it is very good, and I want to send it to the Melbourne Age to get published! I'm going to try and get it on blogger....

See the article here!

Catch you laters...


Monday, July 09, 2007


can't be bothered to blog on first day back but if you're interested check out our Noosa photos on Flickr- link at bottom of page!

Love helen